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Related article: graphical sketches of numerous well-known racing men, after the manner of Mr. Black's " Jockey Club and its Founders.*' The heading *' Ascot Buy Metronidazole Online Race Course " suggests an account of the varia- tions in the courses during two centuries, but this hope is disap- pointed, in spite of the convenient map which confronts us. There is, however, a store of information about the stands, &c., which may be useful. Trainers and jockeys receive a meed of attention. A list of the winners of the Gold Cup, the Vase, and the Royal Hunt Cup, with numerous illus- trations, often excellent likenesses from photographs, deserves men- tion. In addition there is an ap- pendix giving a complete list of winners, owners, seconds and thirds, with chief conditions of the races since the course was made. The blank between the years 1760 and 1768 is left unexplained. The illustrations, two of which we are allowed by the courtesy of the publishers to reproduce, are very numerous and generally well chosen. Some Bets and their Subjects. Almost as long as any records of sport are to be found, betting or gambling of some kind or other has been connected with them ; while it need hardly be pointed out that plenty of gambling has taken place over matters quite uncon- nected with sport. There is the time-honoured story of Lord Alvanley and some other specula- tive friend taking reluge on the leeside of a hayrick during a heavy rain storm and beguiling the time by wagering who would pull out the longest piece of hay. The bets Cheap Metronidazole I am about to mention, how- ever, are not hackneyed like the hayrick story. Long before Lord Purchase Metronidazole Online Alvanley and his friend invented the hay-pulling device, that is to say in 1763, the coffee-house idlers hit upon quite a new Metronidazole Buy form of gambling, which like most other phases of gratuitous specu- lation was beautifully simple, consisting of adding up the num- bers on the plate of Purchase Metronidazole each hackney coach passing the window of the coffee house Each person staked a shilling in readiness, and when a hackney coach was seen ap- proaching betting began. Twelve was the fixed number ; but anyone could give a total under or over twelve, and he whose guess was nearest to the actual total made by adding up all the numbers on the plates, won. Suppose a coach's number to have been 189. These figures added together make eighteen, so that any person who wagered on seventeen would win in the event of the rest of the party standing on a lesser number. The game so far commended itself to the sharps that they made a i9oa] SOMB BETS AND THBIR SUBJECTS. 41 Study of the different hackney men, their vehicles, and their horses, took the numbers, and tried to learn as many as possible, and if it so happened that there was a run of coaches from some oeighbouring stand the astute persons were paid for their trouble, and some Metronidazole 500mg of them must have been present on a certain occasion when Order Metronidazole Online three barristers from the Temple lost more than five guineas each in a couple of hours at a shilling a coach. The attempt to identify certain hackney coaches with certain numbers reminds one of the story told about the eccentric Lord Barry more, who, when he had given up his staghounds, Numi- dian horn players, his private theatre at Wargrave, and other luxuries, was compelled to live in rather humble chambers in Lon- don. A friend who called on him one morning was astonished to find his lordship on his knees in a room from which every article of furniture had been removed. Piles of halfpennies were on the floor, and Lord Barrymore was busily engaged in arranging these on the floor in rows, every coin touching its neighbour. The reason of this task was Buy Metronidazole not given at the time, but it leaked out later on when Lord Barrymore had some friends at his rooms, and, leading up to the subject Metronidazole Online he offered to make a bet that no one present would guess within a certain Where To Buy Metronidazole number how many halfpennies would cover the floor. This was of course good enough to bet upon, and all the friends made their several estimates of the number required, estimates which, it is needless to say, were not quite so accurate as that of the host of the evening. Mention was made above of the hayrick gamble, and a haystack Where Can I Buy Metronidazole has played an important part in an irregular kind of wager. Metronidazole 500 Mg The scene was laid in 500mg Metronidazole Leeds, where in August, 1760, Mr. Abraham Walker bought from Mr. William Northouse a stack of old hay, the produce of four acres of meadow land. The rick was estimated to contain 500 Mg Metronidazole about eight ordinary cart- loads, and the price was no more than forty shillings for the whole upon condition that the buyer took it all away at once. Should he fail to do this the price was to be twenty pounds. By the way, there was a stipulation that no more than three horses were to be used to move the rick. Mr. Walker was a man of resource, so he sought out the London carrier ; secured the use of his broad wheeled waggon and three horses, transferred the hay to the waggon, Generic Metronidazole and successfully had Metronidazole To Buy it drawn over the two miles to his yard. The conveyance and its burden looked, says the chronicler, *' like a mov- ing Metronidazole Where To Buy mountain." It was, however, a very cheap purchase, while the seller and his friends who had betted two to one against the accomplishment of the task lost their money, a good deal of it accompanying the hay to Mr. Walker's Buy Cheap Metronidazole premises. In the year 1767 there was a somewhat similar arrangement in the case of some faggots, which a Hertfordshire farmer had for sale, and which was eventually the subject of no little betting. The price was eighteen shillings per hundred, exclusive of carriage. A little man who came to buy said that he Metronidazole 500 would carry them himself, whereupon the seller, who thought that Order Metronidazole he saw his way to making a little money, made the proposal that if the buyer should carry eighteen of them to his own house every day (Sunday ex- cepted) without missing one, he might have them for his pains, but that if he failed before he had 42